Thursday, March 31, 2011

two weeks down, two ahead!

Hello friends and family,

Well, I wanted to share with you a bit about what these last two weeks have looked like and what the next two weeks may entail! :)

I've begun to really get into the swing of things! I love these kids and love the family atmosphere I feel in this dorm! I have also enjoyed the times when I have explored the city and tried new things with the other dorm assistants! :) Sometimes I'm prone to feel bad because Chiang Mai truly isn't "roughing it" by any standards! It's a wonderful city, definitely different than the states, but truly "Americanized" at the same time. The culture is definitely different, full of day and night markets with everything from trendy clothes to arts and crafts made my the thai, they drive on the other side of the road (very scary when you tend to forget to look the OTHER way when crossing a busy street (you must also remember to look for fast motorbikes because they are numbered the same as the cars)), and the language gap can be a little disheartening. So many times I want to talk with people and hear about their life when there is this language gap between us. But I have loved to talk with other foreigners that are here on vacation or have lived here for years! It's awesome to hear their stories and share life and hopefully bring hope into theirs.

I've also begun to feel the oppression that is here. In America the oppression is clear in a lot of ways, we've just become numb to it. Here, it feels like the oppression is a little bit harder for me to see because I don't communicate & speak their language, and yet very easy for me to see in how they interact with each other and go about life. Thais seem to have this "whatever happens, happens" feel about them. That's perfect for me because that is my personality in a nutshell but it has caused me to see a differentiation between us. They say that when a Thai gets into a car accident they are VERY slow at getting it solved. And it's because they go through life as if they can't do anything about their circumstances and what is dealt to them can't be changed because of a past life..all they can do is give a little bit here and there and hope it helps them in the next one. It's basically "you reap what you sow" but slightly distorted. They feel like the cards given to them, what they have to sow into this life, can't be changed because of what they reaped from a previous one.

It's very interesting to observe and take in....and yet I love it so much! These past two weeks have been an amazing time and yet a relatively easy time. Starting this weekend the kids are leaving for their "spring break" which is more like a summer break because this is the hot season. So they are going back to stay with their families while that leaves two weeks for me to fill! I have a chance to give of myself in a harder way, a chance to maybe deserve some of the praise I've been hearing from all of you ;) (that was a joke) I have an opportunity to go down to central Thailand for a children's' camp they have. Thai children from all over the city down there will come to this camp and do games and activities and hear the Gospel! A lot of them get saved in the process, it is just tough because when they go back home the Buddhist parents do not want them to stay Christians. They are happy that they are going and everything, they just don't want them to change.

So I'll leave on Tuesday morning and take a 8 or 9 hour bus ride there and arrive and jump right into the camp, along with Emma. The camp will last until around Saturday and then it just depends on what we want to do from there. They have their Thai New Year the following week which is fun in Chiang Mai because they basically have a NATIONAL WATER GUN FIGHT! But it would also be a good experience to have it down in Central Thailand because we will get to see how the church has incorporated it with a prayer of blessing from the elders. So it just depends on what we are feeling up for after the camp. I'm excited to be able to travel some and see more of Thailand.

The place I would be going to is also the place they have OMF long term missionaries go for language and other schooling so I'll be able to see where it is I'll go if I feel that's where God has me and if OMF is the place to go through.

As far as costs, it won't be too much more than what is budgeted plus I have been here for two weeks and I haven't even touched the money set aside for this trip. Basically, living in Thailand is SO much more cheaper than living in the States by leaps and bounds! And I haven't been doing much extra so Jen said not to worry too much about it. I'm learning trust in more forms than one with the Lord and it's so good. Do not be anxious about anything, but with everything, with prayer and thanksgiving, make your requests known to the Lord and the peace that surpasses all understanding with guard your heart and mind in Christ Jesus.

So I ask that you please pray for me as I go on this trip. Please pray that I will be able to serve in every capacity and that the Lord would give me extra strength (I have been feeling a little weak in just the day to day things which makes me wonder if my iron continues to be low) to pour out in this next week! Please also pray for the children that will be going and that their hearts would be open to what these counselors and leaders have to say. Just renewed strength and open hearts all around! :)

I love you all and I appreciate everything! I'm not sure if I'll be using the computer much but until then...

In Him,


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