Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Airport Update!

Hello friends!

I have to make this short because I'm in the Korea airport & I don't quite understand how to work the plugs! :D Plus, I don't know if I'm extremely coherent enough to make a blog, not to mention I have no idea the current time & how long until the flight. =P But I'm here and alive!

Well, traveling has been quite an experience! I think it made it extra special because I started out with next to no sleep! Yesterday (I think...?) was kinda a blur right now. I walked around the dulles airport a lot & ate chipotle and met a dude from Cambodia and paid for my internet and had many phone conversations with my parents and fought annoyance and sat surrounded by all Asians which I LOVED! I loved the variety that their many different looks, all beautiful! :) Now I'm sitting with a different feel....a smaller group..and all with Thai...possibly the majority living in Chiang Mai It feels like they all know each other...even though I don't think they do. It's kind of neat to watch. I'm surrounded by a bunch of Thai women chatting away and the men are on the other side chatting! :)

The14hr flight was interesting. I sat on the window seat, watched a ton of movies...started watching True Grit but I think I was too tired to follow it and hear every word they said so I never finished. I felt like I ate a TON! I fell asleep every here and there but couldn't sleep for long so I have no idea how long I actually slept. The couple that sat next to me were from South Korea...that was interesting...telling people what I'm planning on doing in Thailand. I realized I don't know exactly what to say. It's one thing to tell people in the US that I'm going to help missionary kids and missionaries but I just don't know if that is the right wording to use with people in other countries. I think it's something I'm going to talk with the Tibbetts about :)

So cute! I was sitting typing this & lady beside me motioned her fingers all up and kinda motioned to my laptop...I thought she was asking how old I was but she was trying to say the sun was in my eyes. I finally got it when the lady across from us patted the seat next to her. :D Aw, they lookin out for me even if we can't communicate! :D

Well, the battery is getting low! Maybe I can update soon I should try to figure out what time it is & if I'll have time to grab something to eat....I think I'll get dinner on this 5 hour flight but not sure. Next stop, Chiang Mai! Oh my! It's happening! :)

Love you guys!

Till next time,


1 comment:

  1. this is soooo rad! I'm really excited for you. This really makes me want to get out on the mission field asap :D I hope you have a great time. I'll be praying for you.
