Sunday, March 20, 2011

It's only been FOUR days?!??!

Has it really been ONLY 4 days since I've been in Thailand?!?! (minus the traveling) It feels like it's been weeks and yet like it's passing way too fast already! I'm loving it so much! Could it even be a better fit??? ]I'm full of such peace...being where the Lord has me for this season! Living through Him instead of myself....being my quirky self but allowing it and letting it flow and not trying or striving but being and I'm starting to mesh more and more! :)

I'm learning so much! I have so much more respect for missionaries who sacrifice and missionary kids who go through so much! I don't think people realize the sacrifice that it takes and yet it's such a beautiful thing to see....such a beautiful thing to hear testimonies of the Lord working and the harvest that is Thailand and in other countries! This morning's message was a good reminder to never be ashamed or feel guilty for walking in obedience to Christ and putting God first.

The Lord works so funny sometimes! Sunday before I left a guest speaker came to church and spoke about Rebekah and Isaac and their story and being faithful in the daily things, etc. Well, this weekend at the church I went to this morning, half way around the world, the pastor spoke on Rebekah and Isaac...and picked up RIGHT where the other pastor left off last week! I think He's trying to tell me something! haha!

There are so many parallels to the story of Isaac and Rebekah. Obviously, you can take the parallel of God bringing two people together in such a God way but I don't think that's what He's trying to show me in this season. :) I've gotten a ton more than even just that! Last week I got a ton of revelation in the first part of the story. (If you'd like to read their story you can go here.) Rebekah was just being faithful in her daily life...she wasn't striving or doubtful she was just going about her life and going the extra mile in the daily things. We know that it was God that gave her the nudge to give Abraham's servant's camels water but she chose to obey and be open to what He had.

This week the pastor began when the servant wanted to leave with Rebekah. In verse 55 the parents want Rebekah to stay with them longer but the servant asked them not to delay him because it was the Lord that orchestrated the entire thing! They then asked Rebekah what she thought and she said she would go. She caught the vision too! Something the pastor said this morning was to not prolong what God has set up. I feel like in preparing for Thailand there was a lot of prolonging...I knew this was what God had called me to deep down but I was in part unsure and anxious and putting it off. But time and time again I would get signs that He wanted me to continue forward and even convictions that kept me going forward.

There are so many more beautiful parallels I can take from this but one thing the pastor hit on really touches deep. He said God partners with us to fulfill His promises and we step out in faith when we are actively engaged in Him. Rebekah allowed God to work in her life and was open to what He had...Isaac was likewise and the servant had the faith that the Lord was high above it all! The message I listened to tonight, Journey's service, hit on things similar! It was just amazing to hear! I feel like my entire life, each step of the way has been obedience by obedience and leap of faith after leap of faith. I may not know what's next and it may not be exactly what America thinks works or what is ideal for the regular young adult life but He has been so faithful to me in the past that I am trusting in Him to lead me in my future.

I'll be sure to post more soon...especially about what goes on every day and maybe even a video or two with pictures if you don't have facebook! :) Tomorrow there are two birthdays in the dorm and half the kids are off from school! I'm having my first Thai language class tomorrow morning and then Emma, the other dorm assistant, and I are having a scavenger hunt with the birthday girl Sue and her friends who are spending the night tonight! :) Uncle Scott (they call them Uncle and Aunt...and I'm Auntie Amanda ;)) is the other birthday tomorrow so we're celebrating his too! :) Quite a busy life! Tuesday is my day off so I'll probably hang out with the other dorm assistants in the other dorm! :) Another guy from New Zealand is coming at the end of April to help in the other dorm...they are losing one of their dorm assistants this week and another when the new guy comes.

So that is a little of what is going on! I hope you braved reading the entire thing! If you'd like to skype just contact me in some way! Nights (your time)work best for me because my shift is basically from 3-10 plus weekends so mornings are best. I'm becoming quite the morning bird whether I like it or not! I don't know what's up with me but I keep waking up around 4:30am then making myself go back to sleep, then waking up around 6 or 7 & staying up. And I'm getting so tired at night time...jet lag? I don't know! :D

I love you guys and will update soon! :)



  1. Amanda, I'm so proud of you and excited for you!! It sounds like you're settling in quite well. I can't wait to hear what else God has in store for you during this season in your life. :)

    You are so beautiful, my friend. There is so much inside of you that God is going to hone and polish during this time. I can't wait to see the finished product, but I'm excited to watch the process you're undergoing right now. :)

    Love you, Duckie!

  2. ps, that last comment was me (Lauren). ;)
