Friday, March 4, 2011

Oh, it's starting to hit!

Hello friends and family! :)

Well, as you can tell, this blog will be a place to come to see updates and thoughts of my time in Thailand! I hope I blog a bit more over these next three and a half months than I did in the 12 months I was in Texas. (Oops! :O)

I can't believe that in 10 DAYS I will be on a 14 hour flight to Korea then a 5hour flight at 4am our time (4pm there) to Chiang Mai!! It feels surreal...especially since I'm just in the very beginning steps of packing! Yikes!

I wanted to take some time to thank you all who may read this blog for praying for me & helping me get to this place in more ways than one! I continue to be blown away and blessed with all that He provides in each season and the joy it is to follow Him step by step! It has been quite a road spiritually, emotionally, and physically to get here (if you'd like to read a bit of my heart on that, you can read it here.) but it has been mind-blowing to see how God proves Himself so faithful in every season!

I know this new season is going to consist of a lot of pouring out and serving and I pray that I never stop going to the One who fills us up so we can pour out. I'm excited for what's ahead & I pray He guides me and shows me what's next from season to season.

I will probably post before I leave as the nerves begin to sink in! =P I love you all! God Bless!


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