Thursday, March 31, 2011

two weeks down, two ahead!

Hello friends and family,

Well, I wanted to share with you a bit about what these last two weeks have looked like and what the next two weeks may entail! :)

I've begun to really get into the swing of things! I love these kids and love the family atmosphere I feel in this dorm! I have also enjoyed the times when I have explored the city and tried new things with the other dorm assistants! :) Sometimes I'm prone to feel bad because Chiang Mai truly isn't "roughing it" by any standards! It's a wonderful city, definitely different than the states, but truly "Americanized" at the same time. The culture is definitely different, full of day and night markets with everything from trendy clothes to arts and crafts made my the thai, they drive on the other side of the road (very scary when you tend to forget to look the OTHER way when crossing a busy street (you must also remember to look for fast motorbikes because they are numbered the same as the cars)), and the language gap can be a little disheartening. So many times I want to talk with people and hear about their life when there is this language gap between us. But I have loved to talk with other foreigners that are here on vacation or have lived here for years! It's awesome to hear their stories and share life and hopefully bring hope into theirs.

I've also begun to feel the oppression that is here. In America the oppression is clear in a lot of ways, we've just become numb to it. Here, it feels like the oppression is a little bit harder for me to see because I don't communicate & speak their language, and yet very easy for me to see in how they interact with each other and go about life. Thais seem to have this "whatever happens, happens" feel about them. That's perfect for me because that is my personality in a nutshell but it has caused me to see a differentiation between us. They say that when a Thai gets into a car accident they are VERY slow at getting it solved. And it's because they go through life as if they can't do anything about their circumstances and what is dealt to them can't be changed because of a past life..all they can do is give a little bit here and there and hope it helps them in the next one. It's basically "you reap what you sow" but slightly distorted. They feel like the cards given to them, what they have to sow into this life, can't be changed because of what they reaped from a previous one.

It's very interesting to observe and take in....and yet I love it so much! These past two weeks have been an amazing time and yet a relatively easy time. Starting this weekend the kids are leaving for their "spring break" which is more like a summer break because this is the hot season. So they are going back to stay with their families while that leaves two weeks for me to fill! I have a chance to give of myself in a harder way, a chance to maybe deserve some of the praise I've been hearing from all of you ;) (that was a joke) I have an opportunity to go down to central Thailand for a children's' camp they have. Thai children from all over the city down there will come to this camp and do games and activities and hear the Gospel! A lot of them get saved in the process, it is just tough because when they go back home the Buddhist parents do not want them to stay Christians. They are happy that they are going and everything, they just don't want them to change.

So I'll leave on Tuesday morning and take a 8 or 9 hour bus ride there and arrive and jump right into the camp, along with Emma. The camp will last until around Saturday and then it just depends on what we want to do from there. They have their Thai New Year the following week which is fun in Chiang Mai because they basically have a NATIONAL WATER GUN FIGHT! But it would also be a good experience to have it down in Central Thailand because we will get to see how the church has incorporated it with a prayer of blessing from the elders. So it just depends on what we are feeling up for after the camp. I'm excited to be able to travel some and see more of Thailand.

The place I would be going to is also the place they have OMF long term missionaries go for language and other schooling so I'll be able to see where it is I'll go if I feel that's where God has me and if OMF is the place to go through.

As far as costs, it won't be too much more than what is budgeted plus I have been here for two weeks and I haven't even touched the money set aside for this trip. Basically, living in Thailand is SO much more cheaper than living in the States by leaps and bounds! And I haven't been doing much extra so Jen said not to worry too much about it. I'm learning trust in more forms than one with the Lord and it's so good. Do not be anxious about anything, but with everything, with prayer and thanksgiving, make your requests known to the Lord and the peace that surpasses all understanding with guard your heart and mind in Christ Jesus.

So I ask that you please pray for me as I go on this trip. Please pray that I will be able to serve in every capacity and that the Lord would give me extra strength (I have been feeling a little weak in just the day to day things which makes me wonder if my iron continues to be low) to pour out in this next week! Please also pray for the children that will be going and that their hearts would be open to what these counselors and leaders have to say. Just renewed strength and open hearts all around! :)

I love you all and I appreciate everything! I'm not sure if I'll be using the computer much but until then...

In Him,


Sunday, March 20, 2011

It's only been FOUR days?!??!

Has it really been ONLY 4 days since I've been in Thailand?!?! (minus the traveling) It feels like it's been weeks and yet like it's passing way too fast already! I'm loving it so much! Could it even be a better fit??? ]I'm full of such peace...being where the Lord has me for this season! Living through Him instead of myself....being my quirky self but allowing it and letting it flow and not trying or striving but being and I'm starting to mesh more and more! :)

I'm learning so much! I have so much more respect for missionaries who sacrifice and missionary kids who go through so much! I don't think people realize the sacrifice that it takes and yet it's such a beautiful thing to see....such a beautiful thing to hear testimonies of the Lord working and the harvest that is Thailand and in other countries! This morning's message was a good reminder to never be ashamed or feel guilty for walking in obedience to Christ and putting God first.

The Lord works so funny sometimes! Sunday before I left a guest speaker came to church and spoke about Rebekah and Isaac and their story and being faithful in the daily things, etc. Well, this weekend at the church I went to this morning, half way around the world, the pastor spoke on Rebekah and Isaac...and picked up RIGHT where the other pastor left off last week! I think He's trying to tell me something! haha!

There are so many parallels to the story of Isaac and Rebekah. Obviously, you can take the parallel of God bringing two people together in such a God way but I don't think that's what He's trying to show me in this season. :) I've gotten a ton more than even just that! Last week I got a ton of revelation in the first part of the story. (If you'd like to read their story you can go here.) Rebekah was just being faithful in her daily life...she wasn't striving or doubtful she was just going about her life and going the extra mile in the daily things. We know that it was God that gave her the nudge to give Abraham's servant's camels water but she chose to obey and be open to what He had.

This week the pastor began when the servant wanted to leave with Rebekah. In verse 55 the parents want Rebekah to stay with them longer but the servant asked them not to delay him because it was the Lord that orchestrated the entire thing! They then asked Rebekah what she thought and she said she would go. She caught the vision too! Something the pastor said this morning was to not prolong what God has set up. I feel like in preparing for Thailand there was a lot of prolonging...I knew this was what God had called me to deep down but I was in part unsure and anxious and putting it off. But time and time again I would get signs that He wanted me to continue forward and even convictions that kept me going forward.

There are so many more beautiful parallels I can take from this but one thing the pastor hit on really touches deep. He said God partners with us to fulfill His promises and we step out in faith when we are actively engaged in Him. Rebekah allowed God to work in her life and was open to what He had...Isaac was likewise and the servant had the faith that the Lord was high above it all! The message I listened to tonight, Journey's service, hit on things similar! It was just amazing to hear! I feel like my entire life, each step of the way has been obedience by obedience and leap of faith after leap of faith. I may not know what's next and it may not be exactly what America thinks works or what is ideal for the regular young adult life but He has been so faithful to me in the past that I am trusting in Him to lead me in my future.

I'll be sure to post more soon...especially about what goes on every day and maybe even a video or two with pictures if you don't have facebook! :) Tomorrow there are two birthdays in the dorm and half the kids are off from school! I'm having my first Thai language class tomorrow morning and then Emma, the other dorm assistant, and I are having a scavenger hunt with the birthday girl Sue and her friends who are spending the night tonight! :) Uncle Scott (they call them Uncle and Aunt...and I'm Auntie Amanda ;)) is the other birthday tomorrow so we're celebrating his too! :) Quite a busy life! Tuesday is my day off so I'll probably hang out with the other dorm assistants in the other dorm! :) Another guy from New Zealand is coming at the end of April to help in the other dorm...they are losing one of their dorm assistants this week and another when the new guy comes.

So that is a little of what is going on! I hope you braved reading the entire thing! If you'd like to skype just contact me in some way! Nights (your time)work best for me because my shift is basically from 3-10 plus weekends so mornings are best. I'm becoming quite the morning bird whether I like it or not! I don't know what's up with me but I keep waking up around 4:30am then making myself go back to sleep, then waking up around 6 or 7 & staying up. And I'm getting so tired at night time...jet lag? I don't know! :D

I love you guys and will update soon! :)


Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Airport Update!

Hello friends!

I have to make this short because I'm in the Korea airport & I don't quite understand how to work the plugs! :D Plus, I don't know if I'm extremely coherent enough to make a blog, not to mention I have no idea the current time & how long until the flight. =P But I'm here and alive!

Well, traveling has been quite an experience! I think it made it extra special because I started out with next to no sleep! Yesterday (I think...?) was kinda a blur right now. I walked around the dulles airport a lot & ate chipotle and met a dude from Cambodia and paid for my internet and had many phone conversations with my parents and fought annoyance and sat surrounded by all Asians which I LOVED! I loved the variety that their many different looks, all beautiful! :) Now I'm sitting with a different feel....a smaller group..and all with Thai...possibly the majority living in Chiang Mai It feels like they all know each other...even though I don't think they do. It's kind of neat to watch. I'm surrounded by a bunch of Thai women chatting away and the men are on the other side chatting! :)

The14hr flight was interesting. I sat on the window seat, watched a ton of movies...started watching True Grit but I think I was too tired to follow it and hear every word they said so I never finished. I felt like I ate a TON! I fell asleep every here and there but couldn't sleep for long so I have no idea how long I actually slept. The couple that sat next to me were from South Korea...that was interesting...telling people what I'm planning on doing in Thailand. I realized I don't know exactly what to say. It's one thing to tell people in the US that I'm going to help missionary kids and missionaries but I just don't know if that is the right wording to use with people in other countries. I think it's something I'm going to talk with the Tibbetts about :)

So cute! I was sitting typing this & lady beside me motioned her fingers all up and kinda motioned to my laptop...I thought she was asking how old I was but she was trying to say the sun was in my eyes. I finally got it when the lady across from us patted the seat next to her. :D Aw, they lookin out for me even if we can't communicate! :D

Well, the battery is getting low! Maybe I can update soon I should try to figure out what time it is & if I'll have time to grab something to eat....I think I'll get dinner on this 5 hour flight but not sure. Next stop, Chiang Mai! Oh my! It's happening! :)

Love you guys!

Till next time,


Friday, March 4, 2011

Oh, it's starting to hit!

Hello friends and family! :)

Well, as you can tell, this blog will be a place to come to see updates and thoughts of my time in Thailand! I hope I blog a bit more over these next three and a half months than I did in the 12 months I was in Texas. (Oops! :O)

I can't believe that in 10 DAYS I will be on a 14 hour flight to Korea then a 5hour flight at 4am our time (4pm there) to Chiang Mai!! It feels surreal...especially since I'm just in the very beginning steps of packing! Yikes!

I wanted to take some time to thank you all who may read this blog for praying for me & helping me get to this place in more ways than one! I continue to be blown away and blessed with all that He provides in each season and the joy it is to follow Him step by step! It has been quite a road spiritually, emotionally, and physically to get here (if you'd like to read a bit of my heart on that, you can read it here.) but it has been mind-blowing to see how God proves Himself so faithful in every season!

I know this new season is going to consist of a lot of pouring out and serving and I pray that I never stop going to the One who fills us up so we can pour out. I'm excited for what's ahead & I pray He guides me and shows me what's next from season to season.

I will probably post before I leave as the nerves begin to sink in! =P I love you all! God Bless!
